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Friday, September 11, 2009

A Vision of Students Today

I just feel that our society has grown lazy. This is not the vision of students today, but the way our students think today. I have to relate to the textbook thing. I buy atleast four book every semester, and only use probably two of them. Then you have people like me who started out at a community college, which was easier than high school, and then transfer to South to have one class equivalent to three. It is more overwhelming when you have so many people in your class, and are nothing but a number to your professor. I think Internet communication can bring back a lot of the one on one learning. Only students can collaborate together rather that with their professor.
The Internet is a precious resource. If you utilize it the right way. Even more precious than that—the mind. We become more intelligent in college not because of what they teach us, but by how they allow us to expand our mind. That's what it's all about. Students, including myself, expect the information on the test to be handed to you. It is how it's always been for me. I am going to school to be a teacher, and this is what scares me about all the standardized testing.

This is a very good video. It is the way students think nowadays, and it shouldn't be that way.
To watch this video click here

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate your keen observations Lindsey! You are right about college, its not only about absorbing and reproducing information but living and experiencing the journey. In fact, in my opinion its the difference between training and getting an education.

    Also, I agree with you about the standardized testing. Way too much weight is given to these instruments that we know in many cases are an invalid measure of what students actually know.

    Great work Lindsey! Keep it up. SS
