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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Kaia blogs...

This project is amazing. This one struck me as a parent more than a teacher. I stress a lot on the importance of active, outdoor play. My son is getting bigger and the last thing I want is for him to be inside playing xbox all day. As a parent I want to foster his creativity because I know as soon as he gets into school it will be robotic and straight to the books. There are schools that teach by Progressivism, which to me is a lot like connectivism but less technology. Its all about the creativity and open pedagogy, and taking risks.
These blogs are incredible. I think it is awesome that teachers are getting elementary involved, because I was wondering how on Earth it would be possible. In reality production of content is being produced with computers and will rarely settle for print anymore. Things are becoming advanced and people are wanting the bigger and better things.
I think that the world would be a better place if the connections we are tslking about here were made. But, unfortunately the rest of the world is still a cold place. So it makes it hard for everyone to open up and allow these connections to be made with their families. I think connectivism will play it's rold in education, but will be very hard to make the norm. The fact of the matter is parents are complaining that their children are being exposed to other cultures and religions. So it feels impossible that as educators we can persuade them otherwise. Its all because parents have lost their trust in teachers. A lot of times they are seeing the teacher as the enemy.

click here to visit Kaia's Dad's blog and follow this awesome project

1 comment:

  1. Here's another site with great kid-friendly videos for kids by kids. MEET ME AT THE CORNER, Virtual FIeld Trips for Kids (www.meetmeatthecorner.org)

    New episodes come up every two weeks. This week take a virtual field trip to San Diego. The young host Robert interviews a veteran who served on the USS MIDWAY and learns about life on this floating city.
