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Monday, November 30, 2009

New Media Literacies

I think that they are all critical skills to participate in media. These are skills that are critical in absorbing all of the information available to us today. In order for these to be positive way of learning you have to be able to filter through all of the opinions and stick to the facts. I think these are great ways to collaborate and enrich what we are teaching, but it's hard to tell how they might interfere with what you are trying to teach. With media being so deceiving you have to be careful of what you consider reliable.
I actually posess quite a few of these skills, judgement and negotiating being the most important. I know that when I am looking for answers I find facts first, and then dig around for other concepts which is known as judgment. I also can decide what is and is not useful to my learning network which is known as negotiating. Multi-tasking is something everyone will learn in the workforce. I have to say these are things everyone develops, but when communicating with other learners it enhances the outcome.
As a teacher, I hope to bring out a child's creativity. At the end of the day I want to know that my students went outside of the box. I also think that fostering this creativity is more full-filling that sticking to the books. My education was always based on one dominant culture and I feel like I was deprived of creativity and focused on memorization. I think that education can do great things when broadening it's standards and tools to better learn and communicate with the rest of the world. When students can come together from all over and debate and discuss what they are learning it's a whole new form of learning. Undoubtedly more effective too.

Check out this video that goes through a list of new media literacies critical to keeping up with the pace of producing and consuming media
click here

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